Budget & Finance Committee
The Budget & Finance Committee oversees and administrates all AVNC financial matters, including system of financial accountability as required by DONE, including monthly reporting on bank accounts and maintaining all records on all deposits.
Committee Chair: Anthony Forester
Board Member Committee Members: Laura Schwartz | Adam Segal
Stakeholder Committee Member: n/a
The Budget & Finance Committee oversees and administrates all AVNC financial matters, including system of financial accountability as required by DONE, including monthly reporting on bank accounts and maintaining all records on all deposits.
Neighborhood Council Annual Budget
The budget should be used as a strategic financial road map to conduct activities that will help the NC achieve its goals. It should include the input of stakeholders, be accessible and be accountable to the rules that govern the usage of public funds. It is also important to articulate the manner in which the Neighborhood Council’s budget reflects its intended benefit to the community. A good budget outlines in reasonable detail: 1) operating expenses; 2) outreach activities; 3) neighborhood improvements and/or beautification projects; and 4) Neighborhood Purposes Grants. Community Improvement Projects include costs associated with beautification projects such as tree plantings, graffiti abatement, sidewalk washing, median maintenance; and capital improvements to City owned facilities such as recreation centers, fire stations, police stations and parks. Public schools and 501(c)3 non-profit organizations are eligible to receive grants from NCs through the Neighborhood Purposes Grants program. Agencies receiving a grant must provide a benefit to the community with the grant funds, be approved by the NC Board and reflected in the agenda and minutes. For expediency, the NC may submit a board resolution.
Want to see how the AVNC has been spending it’s budget?

Earlier this year the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment created a Funding System Dashboard to allow stakeholders – like you – to see how the NC’s are spending their money. The above pie chart shows you how the AVNC has been spending its annual budget of $42,000 so far. To see how much we have left, how much has already been committed, our monthly expense reports, and even look at other neighborhood councils located near us – please click here and select “Atwater Village Neighborhood Council” from the dropdown bar.
Budget Documents and Resources
Link to DONE Neighborhood Council Funding Program (Access to forms, documents and reports)
AVNC funds remaining in 2022-2023 Budget: Click on this link and then select "Atwater Village Neighborhood Council from the dropdown menu.